because you are all fascinated with zine world goings-on

If you’ve ever considered buying zines/books/t-shirts/whatever from Microcosm Publishing, I’d like to suggest you take a moment and read Ciara‘s last couple of posts on the subject (her summary of Joe Biel’s statement is accurate and hilarious – I am still chuckling about the “all high on the corn” line), as well as Alex Wrekk’s statement on the matter. It is sad, though not shocking, that there are still people in the little zine world defending Joe even in light of all this. It is for people like this that the term “butt dumpling” was coined. (Why yes, I have been watching Beavis and Butt-head lately. Why do you ask?)

ETA: Cindy (Doris zine) Ovenrack, who was part of the latest accountability process for Joe, has posted both her personal statement on the matter and the accountability group’s statement on her blog, if you’d like to read more from another person directly involved with the situation. Also: the “blog response post” the accountability group cites is Joe’s response to an earlier post of mine on the matter, which you can read here if you like (that post also provides a little more background on the situation for you non-zine types who may be curious).

~ by Smellen on July 30, 2010.

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